Tony Partridge Publishing

About Me

Photo of me:
Tony Partridge

Tony Partridge was born in Waterford in 1960 and is based in Sligo. He has a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Warwick and studied and worked at Trinity College Dublin, University College London, and University College Dublin. He was a lecturer at the Atlantic Technological University (ATU), Sligo, for 28 years, and is now a full-time writer and philosopher. He received substantial research funding awards and supervised students to Masters and PhD levels. A selection of his recent publications include Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite Viewed in the Context of Pasolini’s Theorem and Deleuze’s Filmic Theories (2022), Is the Universe a Work of Art that We can Perceive in a Film? (2018) and After Image (2015), about the paintings of Sinéad Aldridge. He published numerous letters in the British Film Institute’s journal Sight and Sound. At the Model in Sligo, he chaired and gave the opening talk at the Boris Groys’ curated “Medium Religion” exhibition in 2009; was film “expert” in 2010/2011; and gave the opening talk at the “In the Field” exhibition in 2014. His most recent focus has been on Neoplatonism and its continuing cultural connections and implications.

The Serpent Speaks

“The Serpent Speaks” is the text of a pamphlet written by Tony Partridge for the art exhibition “Ceramic Poem and the Mixing Bowl” with Sinéad Aldridge, Con Lynch and Tony Partridge, shown firstly at the Ballinglen Gallery, Ballycastle, County Mayo, in January-February 2025.


The Story of the One: The Origins of the One in Early Greek Philosophy

“The Story of the One: The Origins of the One in Early Greek Philosophy” by Tony Partridge is a study of the One in early Greek philosophy. Imagine a room filled with 100 philosophers from different eras. These philosophers are whispering and chatting to each other and you are eavesdropping on their conversations. Searching for a theme involves stretching your ears and mind out into the room. You choose the One as the theme and then listen carefully to what these philosophers say about it.


On Closing Your Eyes, an important journey with film director Víctor Erice

“On Closing Your Eyes, an important journey with film director Víctor Erice” by Tony Partridge. This paper investigates Víctor Erice’s latest film, Close Your Eyes (2023). It does this in terms of the film itself, but also in terms of Erice’s earlier films, his writings and interviews.
